


In the process of ocean shipping, due to the high humidity and temperature difference between day and night; shipping container, packaging materials and other container auxiliary materials, tend to react with the air inside the container, resulting in two basic scenarios of water vapor condensation.



Container problem 1.

When the goods are transporting from the cold or mild climates to the tropics regions, the suddenly change in the environment of cold to warm temperatures, will form condensate on the surface regularly on the goods and packaging.



Container problem 2.

Container rain: When the container transporting from the tropical weather to the cold weather regions, once the air condensation reaches saturation state, it will condense into water droplets onto the inner wall of the container, known as container rain.


When the above scenarios occurred during transportation by the effect of temperature difference between day and night, that are easily cause mildew, rust, oxidation, damp and soft cartons, deterioration of agricultural products, chemical odor and output of VOCs and other harmful gases issues.

   然而目前市面上唯一能同時解決遠洋運輸貨櫃潮濕異味問題及最簡單,高效能且經濟又環保的解決辦法是在貨櫃中放置具有多功能除濕除臭及消除異味VOCs能力的,高效 NACKO除臭棒

The only sustainable solution on the market that can simultaneously solve the problems of moisture, odor and VOCs in ocean shipping with simplest installation, most efficient, economical and eco-friendly is to place a multifunctional NACKO Moisture and VOCs bar to help solve various issues of dehumidification, deodorization and odor elimination at the same time.

   多功能高效NACKO除臭棒 透過牢固的強力吸鐵,可以完美擺放在貨櫃壁的凹槽裡,不會佔用貨物的裝載空間 多功能高效NACKO除臭棒 以超強的吸濕,除臭的吸附能力,並快速吸收周圍環境中的水汽和貨物本身及包裝輔料蒸發到空氣中的水分及氣味,降低貨櫃部的濕度和異味,有效控制露點,避免顯示和隱性凝露的生,確保貨櫃部氣候環境始終處於一種動態平衡的乾燥無異味狀態,從而保護好貨物安全乾燥抵達目的地。

Via strong magnets in the back of the packaging, NACKO Moisture and VOCs bar can be perfectly placed in the groove of inner wall without take up the spaces. By rapid absorption and deodorization ability, NACKO Moisture and VOCs bar is use to protect goods themselves and packaging materials against air condensation to effective control humidity level inside the container and protect against extensive odors with a dry and odor-free state to ensure goods arrived safely.

   當然具備環保的多功能高效奈米恰克NACKO除臭棒在抵達目的地之後,經陽光曝曬後,可以放置在棧板及儲存倉繼續使用,當數量足控制整個儲存倉時,整個存貨倉就能被完全控制室濕度的問題,有效解決商品發霉和異味生等問題,當使用完畢後 多功能高效奈米恰克NACKO除臭棒 能倒入土壤中,完全回歸土壤,不會早成汙染環境及空氣等問題。

With reusability, upon arrival to the destination, NACKO Moisture and VOCs bar can be place onto the pallets and storage bins to ensure goods are protected while in the warehouse by completely controlled indoor humidity level to effectively solve the problem of moldy and odor products in the long run. At the end use, Nacko Moisture and VOCs bars can be fully biodegradable by return back to soil without causing secondary pollution to our people and our environment.



衣服布料乾燥劑  家私防黴劑  皮具專用乾燥劑  鞋子用乾燥劑  防黴乾燥劑  乾燥棒 Clothes desiccant, fabric desiccant, textile desiccant, Furniture desiccant, Leather desiccant, Shoe desiccant, Anti-mold desiccant, Anti-mold spray, Desiccant bar, dry bar, Moisture bar, metal rust inhibitor, Top dry, Super dry, Silica desiccant, High efficiency Desiccant, Container Desiccant, Cargo Desiccant, Calcium Chloride Desiccant, Adsorbent, Humidifier, Ocean Freight Desiccant, Anti-mold Spray, Desiccant, Nacko Moisture and VOCs bars, Nacko Desiccant Bar, Nacko Bar, Nano Charcoal, Multifunctional Desiccant, Multifunctional Bar, Remove VOCs, 農產品防潮乾燥劑  金屬用防銹劑  TOPDRY乾燥劑  矽膠乾燥劑  高效乾燥劑  防潮珠  集裝箱乾燥劑 貨櫃乾燥劑  氯化鈣乾燥劑  吸濕劑  除濕劑  海運乾燥劑  防黴劑  乾燥劑 NACKO 乾燥棒 NACKO 奈米竹炭 多功能乾燥劑 去除VOCs NACKO 除濕除臭棒 乾燥劑 貨櫃型乾燥劑 貨櫃防潮 海運水氣 貨櫃雨 防霉除臭 防霉 除氣體VOC貨櫃棧板填充氣袋 貨櫃固定網 網罩Desiccant, Container Desiccant, Cargo Desiccant, Container dry bar,Cargo dry bar, Cargo anti-mold, Container Anti-mol d , Sea freight steam, Container rain, Anti-mold , Odour removal, Anti-mold, VOCs removal, Container pallet, Container fixed net,乾燥劑 束緊帶 棧板止滑紙 防黴劑 衝擊震動指示器標籤<填充包裝|緩衝保護|包裝材料>Desiccant, tighten straps, Container pallet, , Anti-mold spray, , Sustainable, Sustainability,|氣墊機|氣袋機|緩衝氣墊機|緩衝材製造機|空氣袋|桌上型氣袋機| |空氣包裝材|紙墊包裝|紙緩衝|紙填充|環保包材|紙包材|綠色包材<貨櫃保護包裝> |貨櫃保護|貨櫃防撞|貨櫃充氣袋|貨櫃防潮|乾燥劑|貨櫃乾燥劑 貨Eco friendly packaging, Packaging paper, green package, container protection package, Container collision protection, Container Anti-mold, Desiccant, Eco-friendly Container, Container inflatable bag, Pack Eco-friendly,櫃網|貨櫃 衣物|貨櫃 產品|貨櫃固定網|貨櫃固定繩| 棧板固定方式|棧板固定網|棧板固定帶| <打包|捆包工具>Container net, Container, clothing , Contianer, Product, Container fixed net, Container fixed strap, Pallet fixed, pallet fixed net, pallet fixed strap, packaging, bale tools,|束帶機|自動束帶機|打包機|打包帶|PET帶|塑鋼帶|捆包帶|PP打包帶| |回歸 土壤|氣動打包機|打包機belt machine, banding mastchin,g automic bandning matching, packaging machine, plastic band, return to soil, automic packaging machine, Packaging machine price,價格| <郵寄|網拍|網購|緩衝保護|包裝材料> |氣泡布|氣泡袋|牛皮紙氣泡袋|氣泡信封袋|取代乖乖粒|氣墊成品|packaing maertial, bubble fabric, bublle bag, kraft bubble bag, buelle envelope,|超強固定保護 美佶克 奈米有限公司台灣製造生產 包裝環保包材|紙包材|綠色包材延續性回收重複Super fixed protection, Magic Nano Technology Co., Ltd. , made in Taiwan, Eco-friendly packaging product, eco-friendly packaging paper, sustainability, reusability, BPR Solution


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